Call for Papers

MAES Call for Papers_Flyer

MAES is the premier interdisciplinary platform for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Mechanical, Aerospace and Electronic Systems. The conference will bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Mechanical Engineering
Aerospace Systems and Technology
Aerospace & Electronics Systems

Applied Mechanics



Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

Design and Manufacturing

Energy Management

Fluid Dynamics

Fuels and Combustion

Green Manufacturing

Heat and Mass Transfer

Industrial Engineering

Industrial Tribology

Instrumentation and Control

Internal Combustion Engines

Machine Design and Analysis

Materials and Failure Analysis

Materials Preparation and Processing

Materials Synthesis and Processing

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanics of Biological Materials



Modeling Damping in Compliant Impacts and Vibro-Impact

Modeling of Processes

Multiphase and Granular Flows

Nano- and Microscale Engineering

Nano- Technology


Nonlinear Dynamics, Stability, and Bifurcation Theory

Non-smooth, Time-Varying, Time-Delayed, and Stochastic Systems

Nuclear Reactors

Optimization of Systems

Orbital Mechanics and Mission Design

Order Reduction and Control of Vibrating Systems

Rapid Prototyping

Renewable and Non-Renewable Energies

Reverse Engineering


Rocket Engines

Satellite Systems

Sensors and Actuators

Solid Mechanics and Materials




Aerodynamic’s fundamental concepts


Aerospace robotics and mechatronics

Aerospace Systems and Technology

Aircraft Maintenance Management

Aircraft Navigation

Aircraft Propulsion and Gas Turbine Engines

Aircraft Structural Analysis and Design

Aircraft Vibration and Aeroelasticity

Airport Management and Operations


Applications of AI Techniques in Design and Manufacturing

Astronomical Image Processing

Atmospheric Measurement

Attitude maneuver control

Autonomous flight control

Aviation Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Ballistic tracking

Bistatic SAR processing

Communications techniques

Control design

Convex parameterization

Detection in non-gaussian distribution environment

Doppler signature classifications

Earth terminal systems

Estimation & detection theory

Estimation for guidance, navigation & control of an aerial vehicle

Finite elements

Geophysical Image Processing

Geoscience & remote sensing

GPS multipath

High-speed Aerodynamics

Industrial Aerodynamics

Integrated systems Design

Managing Creativity and Innovation



Project Management

Propulsion and Turbomachinery

Safety Management

Transport Management






Aeronautics and Astronautics

Advances in Aeronautics and Astronautics


Aerospace Defense Systems

Aerospace Materials

Aerospace Propulsion Systems

Aerospace Structures

Affordable launch systems and developing countries

Applied Aerodynamics

Avionics Engineering

Communication Systems and Technologies

Computational Fluids Dynamics

Design and construction of space structures, materials

Design and construction of space systems, simulation and testing

Developments in global positioning, interoperability, new applications, vehicle control

Developments in new space communication techniques, higher frequencies and bandwidths

Earth observation projects and programs geared especially toward prediction, mitigation monitoring of natural disasters

Energy from Space

Flight Dynamics and Control

Flight Performance

Fluids Mechanics and Aerodynamics

Heat Transfer and Burning

How non-space-faring nations can reap the benefits of space

International cooperation, especially among space-faring and developing countries

Multidiciplinary design Optimization

Near- Earth Space Physics

New and novel instrumentation for various spacecraft functions, including attitude determination and control, power management,

New remote sensing technologies and applications, i.e. hyperspectral sensing, SAR, applications in meteorology, environment, agriculture, etc

Satellite Technologies

Scientific applications, near Earth space, deep space, microgravity sciences

Small satellites, micro, nano and pico satellites, cubesat developments

Space law, space medicine, and social, educational and other benefits of space

Space robotics

Space technologies that contribute to security, considering all aspects and threats, natural, man-made, humanitarian etc.

Space technology utilization for development and societal well being

Space weather

Unmanned Air Vehicle

Aircraft, Spacecraft, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Education